Colin Beattie

SNP treasurer Colin Beattie released after arrest

Colin Beattie answers questions in 1st appearance since his SNP finance scandal arrest

Colin Beattie stepping down as SNP treasurer

SNP treasurer Colin Beattie arrested by police | The Know

SNP holds emergency meeting after treasurer Colin Beattie arrested

SNP treasurer Colin Beattie arrested as part of probe into party finances

SNP Treasurer Colin Beattie arrested in connection with investigation into the funding of the party

Colin Beattie quits as SNP treasurer after arrest amid cash probe

Colin Beattie MSP Young People and Politics Final 720

Colin Beattie MSP Becoming a Scottish Nationalist Final 720

SNP treasurer Colin Beattie arrested over party finances probe

SNP treasurer Colin Beattie released without charge | Headliners

Colin Beattie MSP Working as an MSP in Musselburgh Final 720

Colin Beattie MSP Voting Education Final 720

SNP treasurer Colin Beattie arrested by police in connection with party's finance probe

Colin Beattie MSP Fracking Final 720

Nicola Sturgeon and Colin Beattie back in Parliament | Planet Holyrood

Colin Beattie quits as SNP treasurer after police questioning in connection to party finance probe

SNP treasurer steps down 'to avoid further distraction'

Colin Beattie's arrest and where the SNP cop probe goes next - Planet Holyrood

About Us: Colin Beattie - Owner of Oran Mor

Editors Christian Winters and Colin Beattie Discuss Editing an Ugly Segment from '24/7'

SNP treasurer released without charge

Planet Holyrood: Sturgeon and Beattie back in Holyrood | SNP civil war | Scottish Tory conference